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    FormItem.getValueMap() issue (not exposed + docs issue)

    Hi Isomorphic,

    it seems that in 5.1p and newer (perhaps older as well) FormItem.getValueMap() is no longer exposed (neither in the current docs nor in Eclipse in my end-of-November build).

    You will notice that it is mentioned many times, e.g. in the class description of SelectItem, where I searched for it, but the javadoc link is broken.

    I don't have problems, but I'm pretty sure that this should break existing projects.

    Best regards

    Can you be more specific about which build (release and nightly build date) you believe exposes this API? We may be able to expose it, but it would help to have that information. Note that that the broken links are not an indication it got removed, but simply a consequence of how the javadoc is generated from the underlying SmartClient JS docs.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I then misjudged the broken javadocs links. It was based on the links being present. As I wrote I did not use it so far, but now wanted to. Therefore this was more of a FYI in order not to break other projects.
      I solved my case in a different matter, so this is fine for me the way it is.

      Thanks for the fast answer & Best regards

