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    ListGrid auto-fit, reorder, show/hide columns performance

    Hello I am using com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGrid. In my case we have a lots of columns ( 60 and more ) with custom css for some of those(for background color ... ) and thousands of rows (paging enabled). We have hit a performance problems when you try to reorder, auto-fit, show/hide columns. Browser freezes for a few seconds (sometimes 15-25s) because it has to recompute and redraw the grid.

    if you can fix this lag it will safe my day, but I do not expect to be the easiest one ;-) I have tried to mitigate it with the usual approach modal mask after 2s of computation with timer and spinner, but I have stumbled upon other issue that it does not work as expected. Because browser main thread is so busy with the computation that timer is planed after computation is finished and animated gifs also freeze. If possible I am asking you to break this computation to smaller chunks, like here so browser can do other tasks meanwhile like render animated images.

    Hopefully the issue is clear, If you have other ideas how to mitigate it I am open to suggestions.

    ​Thanks for guidance in advance.


    Affected browsers
    Last edited by petercipov; 3 Jan 2017, 03:20.

    Sorry, this is too vague. We need to see a case where something is performing poorly, then we can advise.

