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    Loading promptstyle with window, message and custom cursor


    for progress / loading message, i'm after having a popup window with a message AND a loading animation. However, the promptstyle is either cursor or window, and the window is empty.

    Is it possible to somehow define a custom gif for animation and a message as DSRequest loading window out-of-the-box?

    Hi, of course there was an issue with the animation resource.

    We now have it working, but we have some issues with the styling of the prompt dialog:

    The dialog looks like any other, i.e. with the loading animation in the upper left corner of the window.
    This doesn't look so good if the message is just "loading stuff" - since the animation gif is not aligned with the text.

    I looked in the source, and the prompt layout has various "globalprompt" components, that perhaps could be changed - for example by changing the "TEXTTOP" align of the messageIcon.

    However, i have not seen any way to change these kind of things, neither in the skin css or load_skin.js.

    I checked the documentation, and there's supposedly a singleton "Prompt" object in the Dialog class, but i can't see any way to get at it.

    Is there any tip you can give me if i want to make the mentioned change to the prompt dialog?


      It seems like maybe you tried to configure the Prompt's messageIcon with a spinner gif? Instead you can just put ${loadingImage} into the prompt text you specify in your DSRequest.

      As far as skinning the singleton Prompt dialog, it's unclear if you need to do that and we're not sure we'd recommend it, but the way to do so is documented in the SmartClient Reference: it exists as isc.Dialog.Prompt in JavaScript, and you can use isc.addProperties to add properties to it.

