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    "Is one of" in filterbuilder does not parse comma separate string in some cases

    In a filterbuilder, if the first condition that you chose is "equals", and then you type in (accidentally perhaps) a comma separate list in the "values" box to the right, and then if you chose the condition "is one of", and then you click on a "filter button" to execute the filter, SmartGWT will *incorrectly* generate a where clause. Specifcally, it will NOT parse the values field by commas to generate an in clause. Instead, it will treat the values clause as a giant string that happens to have commas in it, as in:

    ... in ('abc,def,ghi') ....

    Insted, it should read:

    ... in ('abc','def','ghi') ....

    The workaround: the user has to explicitly click into the "values" box and make some change (eg add a space, delete a space) and then click on the filter button. That seems to force SmartGWT to recognize that the values box needs to be explicitly parsed.

    Is there a workaround to this problem for now, such as forcing the filterbuilder to "re-determine" / reresh itesels so it knows what to do? I'd rather not to have train users on this issue. (And even if it does gets fixed in a build release of SmartGWT, I'd rather not use a development release of SmartGWT for production stuff.)

    Additional details:
    OS: Windows XP Pro
    IDE: MyEclipse 10.0 with Google Plugin for Eclipse (2.5)
    SmartGWT EE 3.0p
    Browwer: Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1 vs Chrome 20.0.1132.57 m
    GWT SDK: 2.5.0rc1
    Sun JDK 1.6.30

    We've tried various ways to reproduce this in SGWT EE 3.0p, and in each case, the values box is cleared when switching operators from "equals" to "is one of".

    Can you provide some sample code that reproduces the issue, and let us know what build of SGWT EE 3.0p you're using?

