I'm trying to implement a basic ListGrid using a Hibernate DataSource, basically exactly the same as the HB Auto Derivation example in the showcase. The only difference is that I've configured the HIbernate SessionFactory using Spring. Here's my DataSource (ds.xml) file:
Whenever I run this I get this exception:
How do I tell the DataSource to use the SessionFactory from Spring?
<DataSource ID="Vendor" serverType="hibernate" autoDeriveSchema="true" schemaBean="com.assaabloy.protech.shared.entities.aaos.Vendor" configBean="aaosSessionFactory"> <serverObject lookupStyle="spring" bean="aaosSessionFactory"/> </DataSource>
javax.servlet.ServletException: DataSource 'Vendor' failed to load due to an exception on the server: C:\Users\ausder\Desktop\New folder\protech\target\protech-9.0\WEB-INF\classes\hibernate.cfg.xml (The system cannot find the file specified)