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    How to show expanded components in nested list grid while csv download and print

    SmartClient Version: v11.0p_2017-02-11/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2017-02-11)

    On exporting grid to excel, the nested compenents do not show.
    Also, while print the nested components do not appear. Attached screenshot

    Attached Files

    Printing appears to be working fine with nested components - see this sample or this one. If you think a framework bug is creating your problem, please show how to reproduce the problem. See the Debugging overview in the docs for advice in quickly creating test cases.

    Note that expansion components won't export to Excel or CSV. CSV as a format obviously can't handle such things, Excel could possibly handle some cases of nested components. If you have a particular case like that in mind, the server-side API dsResponse.getExportObject() gives you access to the default generated spreadsheet, which you could augment with nested information.

    Alternatively, Feature Sponsorship could be used to add support for specific types of nested components (obviously there is no generalized approach that would handle arbitrary components).


      I am using a three level nested grid and for printinf my code is as below:

      I am able to get the second level grid when expanded in print preview, but not the third level grid.
      Attached screenshot of both.

      Attached Files

