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    6.1d: Multiple SelectItem (PickList) problem when clicking fast

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this sample (SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-03-13/AllModules Development Only) and try to select and deselect entries fast in the 2nd and 3rd SelectItem.
    For me, if I click fast to select and deselect (not a doubleclick, but still fast), the entry is shown as deselected in the list (no check on the left), but still as selected in the Item itself.
    See this video:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	select-deselect.gif
Views:	234
Size:	69.7 KB
ID:	243492

    Best regards

    We're not reproducing this in any browser - is there anything else to it? Do you still see it against the latest build?


      Hi Isomorphic,

      different PC now: I can't reproduce using Win 7 and Chromium 58 (portable beta), IE11, FF52 with SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-03-17.
      I will try the other PC soon.

      Best regards


        Hi Isomorphic,

        I also can't reproduce in SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-03-19 and current Chromium 57.0.2987.110 under Win 10. Neither in Edge 38 on the same system.
        So perhaps this was just a regression.

        Best regards


          Another question:
          Is it on purpose that the last country Multi-SelectItem with the icons only shows the icon for the selected entry/entries when there is only one entry selected?

          Best regards


            Another question:
            Is it on purpose that the last country Multi-SelectItem with the icons only shows the icon for the selected entry/entries when there is only one entry selected?
            This is a longstanding limitation rather than an intentional design difference.
            You've prompted us to take a look at it and make a change which will cause the valueIcons to show up for each entry.

            Please try the next nightly build, dated March 25 or above to see the change

            Isomorphic Software


              Hi Isomorphic,

              that's a nice addition, thanks. It did break something, though.

              In both Tahoe spacious and Enterprise medium there is something wrong (SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-04-14).
              Tahoe: There are borders around the flags, a bit above and below the real flag content.
              Enterprise: The flags seem to repeat a bit. Also, when selecting and deselecting entries, the flags jump a little bit once the SelectItem gets too narrow and adds a ellipsis. This affects the flags in the "selected list" as well as the flags below in the list.

              Best regards


                Hi Isomorphic,

                actually I can still reproduce the original problem from post #1 if I just doubleclick, but only in GC57 and not in FF26 or Edge (SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-04-14).

                Click image for larger version

Name:	multiSelectDoubleclick.gif
Views:	189
Size:	85.3 KB
ID:	244125

                Best regards


                  Hi Isomorphic,

                  sorry for now having two issues here, but another interesting thing is, that both issues (border around flag and doubleclick-selection-error) do NOT happen in the same SmartGWT sample.
                  That showcase is also on SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-04-14 and I tested with GC and FF and Edge again.

                  EDIT: Removed the "bold" issue. That's in the sample code.

                  Best regards
                  Last edited by Blama; 14 Apr 2017, 14:48.


                    Hi Blama,
                    Can you post a screenshot of these 2 issues, please?:
                    Tahoe: There are borders around the flags, a bit above and below the real flag content.
                    Enterprise: The flags seem to repeat a bit. Also, when selecting and deselecting entries, the flags jump a little bit once the SelectItem gets too narrow and adds a ellipsis. This affects the flags in the "selected list" as well as the flags below in the list.
                    Also, you say in post #9 that the Google-Chrome-specific double-click selection issue doesn't happen for you with the online sample.
                    How are you reproducing this one?



                      Hi Isomorphic,

                      regarding the borders-issue, please see this screenshot, which differs between the SmartGWT and SmartClient sample.
                      It seems that your change from #6 is only present in SmartClient? Is that even possible?
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	SmartClient_SmartGWT_screenshot.png
Views:	216
Size:	116.6 KB
ID:	244166

                      Regarding the doubleclick issue:
                      My post #9 was only about the icon issue, not the original issue and the differences between the SmartClient and SmartGWT samples.

                      Regarding the original fast-clicking issue:
                      The videos in #1 and #8 are from the online showcase, but I'm not able to reproduce here at home using Chromium 57.0.2987.98 under Win 8.1, neither in SmartClient nor in SmartGWT.
                      I'll retry at work, where I'm also using Chromium 57 (exact version to follow) and Win 10.

                      Best regards


                        Here the screenshot as attachment.
                        Attached Files


                          Original fast-clicking issue:
                          Now I can't reproduce neither in SmartClient nor in SmartGWT using Chromium 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit) with Win 10 (both showcases using SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-04-17).
                          Really strange. I'll retry from time to time. If I can reproduce, would some additional Developer Console Logging categories help?

                          Flags issue:
                          SmartClient showcase using Chromium 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)/Win10: borders issue as in #11.
                          SmartGWT showcase using Chromium 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)/FF26/IE Edge under Win10 it is working OK until you open or close the F12 tools with press on F12:
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	F12_removes_icons.gif
Views:	186
Size:	282.5 KB
ID:	244172

                          (As you can see the icon gets removed if there is more than one entry selected when pressing F12).
                          This again differs from what I saw at home using slightly older Chromium under Win 8.1 (#11, #12).

                          Best regards


                            Addition to #13: It's not related to the F12 tools - in the SmartGWT sample, a browser window height change is enough to trigger the issue.
                            Or even more in detail: A sample area height change is enough to trigger the issue. If you reduce the width until horizontal scrollbars are introduced (which lower the sample area height), the icons disappear:
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Width-resize.gif
Views:	220
Size:	257.2 KB
ID:	244174

                            Best regards


                              Hi Isomorphic,

                              issues from #9 on are fixed for me using current 11.1p/6.1p.

                              Best regards

