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    Accessibility issue with SectionStack and keyboard in 6.0p

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I just noticed that SecationStack in 5.1p, 6.0p and 6.1d might have an accessibility issue.
    Shouldn't it be possible to expand and collapse the section using the keyboard only?
    It seems there is no "tab stop" for the section itself.

    See e.g. this sample.
    In this sample it is working when on "+" or "-", but it seems to have the action from the "+"/"-" plus the SectionStackSectionHeader-click.

    This is not important for me.

    Best regards

    This is controlled by canTabToHeaders, which is automatically enabled when in screenreader mode.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      thanks for the explanation. There is a bug though in this in this sample.
      Click the "-" or the Development-SelectItem in the SectionStackSection-controls and press space. This bubbles through to the SectionStack that then opens or closes.

      Tested in current Chromium and v11.0p_2017-03-21 in the online showcase.

      Best regards


        Hi Isomorphic,

        it seems that this is only an issue in SmartGWT and not in SmartClient 11.0 or 11.1.

        There is another way more annoying IE11 bug here, though. In SmartGWT 6.0p and 6.1d, clicking the section header controls with the mouse expands and closes the section.
        Tested with IE11 (11.0.40) and Win 7.

        Best regards


          There are two problems here, but they aren't framework bugs - just errors in the sample.

          The sample works in SmartClient because the click() handlers in that version return false, cancelling the click. In the SGWT version, the click handlers don't call event.cancel(), so the event bubbles. We'll fix that.

          To then get space bar to work on the sectionHeaders themselves, you need to allow TAB to access the header - calling setCanTabToHeaders(true) will do that.

          We'll make these changes in the sample.


            Hi Isomorphic,

            I can see that the issue from #3 is fixed in the online samples with v11.0p_2017-04-21. I'll retest the IE11 specific issue from #4, when I have a notebook with IE11 available.
            Thanks for the explanation on setCanTabToHeaders(true).

            Best regards


              Yes, we fixed the broken click() handlers in the SGWT sample but, on reflection, we didn't add the call to setCanTabToHeaders(true) because this sample isn't intended to demonstrate accessibility.

              But we did test that it works as noted.


                Hi Isomorphic,

                the IE11 specific issue from #4 is now fixed for me as well with today's online samples in 6.0p and 6.1d (SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-05-17).
                This report was related.

                Best regards

