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    How to internationalize the values inside a ComboItem

    Is it possible to internationalize the values inside a ComboItem, or is it possible to get the values from the internationalization property file based on the keys?

    I have a table with a list of keys and I want to display in a ComboItem or a SelectionItem the values of key based on the current locale,
    Last edited by lucianb; 20 Mar 2017, 08:03.

    Have you read the internationalization overview, including the parts that link to GWT internationalization? Those approaches work with ComboBoxItem; there aren't really any special concerns for this particular control.

    The only wrinkle is that, if you are using an optionDataSource, then display values come from the server. But then it's in a way simpler: get the server to return the appropriate data and you're done (no special client-side logic).

