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    Formula builder / Summary builder localization l10 problems

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I think there will be some problems with the Formula builder l10n and German sentence building rules, see here:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	FormulaBuilder.PNG
Views:	79
Size:	18.4 KB
ID:	243599

    Problems will be there with:
    Can you make those whole sentences?

    The Summary builder has exactly the same problems.

    Best regards

    Not following the problem here. instructionsTextStart is already a whole sentence and so should be able to be translated to a whole sentence in another language without issue. There is no instructionsTextEnd.

    We do see that the "Formula Editor" string needs to be i18n capable, we'll get that.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
      instructionsTextStart is already a whole sentence and so should be able to be translated to a whole sentence in another language without issue.
      See this 11.0p sample in German. You'll notice a English/German mix at the last word, which I can only explain with two l10n strings.

      You can also see it in this file:
      if(isc.i18nMessages.formulaBuilder_instructionsTextStart) isc.FormulaBuilder.addProperties({instructionsTextStart: isc.i18nMessages.formulaBuilder_instructionsTextStart + ' ${builderType}. ' + isc.i18nMessages.formulaBuilder_instructionsTextEnd + ' ${builderType}.'});
      Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
      There is no instructionsTextEnd.
      This is the newly added String for "Click any field to have it added to the" (last word missing).

      Best regards


        These have been addressed for tomorrow's builds - a couple of i18n strings will need translations on


          Hi Isomorphic,

          the change does not really solve the problem for German.
          It is not possible to build the translated sentence in German with the subject as last word (as required by your $builderType at the end) and still have the sentence sound like something you'd really write. This is what I meant in the 1st post.
          I'm sure this is true for other languages as well.

          This is most likely because you want to use the variable in Formula Builder and Summary Builder. Can't you just make it two strings and determine which one to use by an if ( $builderType=...) in the object?

          Best regards


            You can use the term $builderType anywhere in your translated value - it doesn't have to be at the end, or included at all.


              And to clarify, you now only need instructionsTextStart, not instructionsTextEnd


                Hi Isomorphic,

                OK, that was really stupid of me. Translated it now.

                Thank you & Best regards
                Last edited by Blama; 23 Mar 2017, 02:06.


                  Hi Isomorphic,

                  I just translated the open strings in GetLocalisation. Please note there is still something wrong, also in English. See this sample (v11.0p_2017-03-29) and it's screenshot:
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	variableUnmapped.PNG
Views:	78
Size:	9.6 KB
ID:	243778

                  It seems $builderType was only replaced once.

                  Also, is there some function to use that would allow to either initCapitalize, capitalize, initLower, lower variables like $builderType? This would be necessary for English in this sentence - not e.g. not in the Window-title (dataBoundComponent_fieldEditorWindowTitle), where the variable is used as well.

                  Best regards


                    We've fixed the replacement of multiple token instances for tomorrow's builds - there isn't currently a way to do what you're after with capitalization, unfortunately.


                      Hi Isomorphic,

                      I can see that this is fixed in SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-04-02.

                      Thank you & Best regards


                        Hi Isomorphic,

                        using SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-04-14 the two Formula/Summary builder windows open and then very quickly resize themselves, causing a flickering effect.

                        Best regards

