Hi Isomorphic,
for one of my ListGrids that does not differ in any meaningful way from my other similar grids, I get the following effect when calling setShowFilterEditor(true):
The filterRow is shown, but the ListGrid resizes and I get this in the log:
"36","40" and "65" match the heights for filterRow, HeaderButtons and GridBody. The GridBody is obviously not high enough, but I don't have any "65" in my code. Do you have an idea what might be causing this?
I did not find "65" in skin_styles.js or in modules-debug files.
On hiding the filterRow, the ListGrid has it original height.
I'm using SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-03-27.
Best regards
for one of my ListGrids that does not differ in any meaningful way from my other similar grids, I get the following effect when calling setShowFilterEditor(true):
The filterRow is shown, but the ListGrid resizes and I get this in the log:
00:42:29.688:MUP9:WARN:listPolicy:stretchResize for ListGrid_inCreation with totalSize: 671 and calculated sizes: 36,40,65; cannot assign remainingSpace: 530 due to member max size limits 00:42:29.690:MUP9:WARN:listPolicy:stretchResize for ListGrid_inCreation with totalSize: 671 and calculated sizes: 36,40,65; cannot assign remainingSpace: 530 due to member max size limits 00:42:30.134:MUP9:WARN:listPolicy:stretchResize for ListGrid_inCreation with totalSize: 671 and calculated sizes: 36,40,65; cannot assign remainingSpace: 530 due to member max size limits 00:42:30.135:MUP9:WARN:listPolicy:stretchResize for ListGrid_inCreation with totalSize: 671 and calculated sizes: 36,40,65; cannot assign remainingSpace: 530 due to member max size limits
I did not find "65" in skin_styles.js or in modules-debug files.
On hiding the filterRow, the ListGrid has it original height.
I'm using SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-03-27.
Best regards