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    ListGridField problem with key board

    When the listgrid field is set to receive text , then when when you enter the field and select all the text and hit DELL or BACKSPACE the text gets deleted but the event addChangedHandler does not detect any change. I must hit an alphabetic Key to make the event detected.

    i am using the following code for the listgrid field remark

    Remark.addChangedHandler(new ChangedHandler(){

    public void onChanged(ChangedEvent event) {

    String remark =event.getValue().toString();

    see the attachment for the remark filed.

    Could you please help ?
    Attached Files

    No problem with changed handlers firing in a brief test with a Showcase sample.

    See the FAQ for the information you need to post to get help. You've omitted basics like what product and version you are using, as well as not provided a way to reproduce the problem.


      I am sorry for not giving more details. I am using smartgwt version 6.0 . It is .jar file. To reproduce this is very simple : Fill in the grid cell with some data and then exit the cell. Enter it again, select all the text, the cell content will be painted to blue due to text selection. Hit Delete button, text will be deleted but the event described above does not catch that the cell has changed.


        Hi crepse,

        I suggest finding a Showcase sample displaying the problem or creating a BuiltInDs-based sample.
        Also your version did not give away the nightly or if you a using the client-only or client-server version of the framework.

        Regarding the issue itself:
        • Did you look at the Developer Console and Browser Console? Is there output?
        • The desc in #3 IMHO does not show a reason for the handler to fire, but I'm not sure about that one. You are only triggering change events, not a change*d* event in the very end IMHO.
        • If you left the cell to trigger change*d*, I'd say that you'll get a NPE because of the value being null and you calling toString() on it.
        Best regards

