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    Use arrow/tab while editing cubeGrid


    We are using smartGWT power 4.1 (December 2016 version) and I have a question about using Arrow/Tab key while editing a grid.

    My customers wants to be able to use Tab/Shift-Tab when editing a cell of a cube, with the same behavior as when not editing a cell.
    As of now when we use Tab/Shift-tab in non-editing mode we can navigate through every cell (same behavior as using arrow keys) but when in editing mode if we use those keys the behavior is the native browser/os one, meaning we will switch to the browser's url bar or other button etc..

    Do you have any idea if we can do this using a cubeGrid option or hook or anything else ?

    I've upload a standalone case but it is really a simple cubeGrid.
    Attached Files

    @Isomorphic: I would love an answer on this quick & easy question :)


      Hi Emilien
      Sorry for the delay responding. This is basically a bug. We've made a change to address this issue. It will be in the next nightly build, dated May 3 or above.
      You're on the 4.1 branch so we've ensured the change is ported all the way back there, but as an aside, you should probably be aware that the latest stable version is 6.0 and 6.1 will be "going final" fairly soon, so you're a good couple of versions behind, and we'd recommend you consider upgrading, especially if you're doing active development.

      Isomorphic Software


        Thank you guys, we are indeed considering an upgrade to 6.0 (or 6.1) but my customers have to consider upgrade cost and dev/tests time :)

