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    Hiding display values in List grid select item

    I have a ListGrid cell with multiselect editor.
    Is it possible to hide the display value so that the column displays empty cell but the select item dropdown shows all selected values.

    e.g. in the attached screenshot my grid column shows value 569,3487,Less Pull,74-Pull,TB.
    but my need is to hide display value and the dropdowm to remain same (all values selected).

    Attached Files

    Hi Team, can you please help on the above query ?


      This doesn't make a lot of sense to us. A SelectItem *needs* to show the selected values or there will be no way to see the selected values when the drop-down is not showing.

      So what is it you want - a SelectItem that just always shows blank? That would be useless, but if you want that, you could use CSS styling to set the text color to white.

