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    Debug-modules broken in latest nightly


    FYI, debug modules seem to be broken somehow in the latest nightly builds of 6.0p / LGPL. Something goes wrong in the bootstrap and the application loads with tons of errors.

    I've tested with 05-19 and 05-20 and they fail. I downgraded to 04-09 version and it seems to work. Haven't tested the builds in between.

    Any news on this ? Tried the latest 2017-06-24 version and this is still broken.

    To explain further, when we change our app to:

    <inherits name="com.smartgwt.debug.SmartGwtNoScriptDebug"/>

    .. and include the javascript files with:

    <script src="@buildId@/sc/modules-debug/ISC_Core.js"></script>
    <script src="@buildId@/sc/modules-debug/ISC_Foundation.js"></script>
    <script src="@buildId@/sc/modules-debug/ISC_Containers.js"></script>

    .. the application does not load and gives a ton of errors. All this works as expected with the 2017-04-09 version. The SmartGwtNoScript inherit works with scripts loaded from modules/ directory with all versions.

    Has something changed in the use of SmartGwtNoScriptDebug module that we should take into account?


      Apologies for the delay - we had fixed the bug in dev code, but failed to patch back to stable once it was verified working. Fix will be present in tomorrow's build (June 27 2017).


        Thanks! We tested with 06-28 build and we can confirm this is now fixed.

