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    UI blocked during server call

    Hi Isomorphic,
    could you please verify if everything works well with RPCManager.setShowPrompt()?

    In our project we never call it explicitly and therefore it should be false by default. But anyway, in most of the cases, the UI is unresponsive and mouse cursor shows loading.
    Our theory is that RPCRequest.showPrompt() setting overrides RPCManager setting. And RPCRequest default showPrompt value is null. In the past we already had issue, that internally SmartClient JS evaluates null value to true.
    And so we ended with every RPCRequest blocking UI ... which makes our application looks slow.

    GC58 and SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2017-01-18/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2017-01-18)

    See DataSource.showPrompt. Default for DataSource operations is to block the UI during the server turnaround.

    Be careful changing this default as you may need to add logic to lots of different UI elements to handle (or ignore) clicks that will be possible mid-save and in various other circumstances, if you turn off showPrompt.

