Hello Team,
Could you give me a glue, I'm creating a portal trying to persist the state of the portal but is not working, I have been trying several workarounds without success
Dashboard is the portal
Could you give me a glue, I'm creating a portal trying to persist the state of the portal but is not working, I have been trying several workarounds without success
Dashboard is the portal
// extended from portallayout public Dashboard() { setAttribute("portlets", getPortletsFromMemory(this.getID()), false); } public native BaseWidget[] getPortletsFromMemory(String id) /*-{ return [ [ $wnd.isc.Portlet.create({ title: 'ssssss' }); //working, but I have my own portlet extended from portlet ], [ @xxxxxxxxxxxxx.Dashboard::getPortlet(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)({ "a": "b"}); ] ] }-*/ private static Portlet getPortlet(JavaScriptObject object) { // when this work, based on object I will return the respective portlet Portlet portlet = new Portlet(); portlet.setTitle("asdas"); ///portlet.setContents("dcdcdcd"); portlet.setAutoDraw(true); return portlet ; }