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    Tree Grid spacing

    Hi, I am using SmartClient Version: v11.0p_2016-03-31/PowerEdition Deploymentand I have a question regarding TreeGrid spacing. I am trying to create a grid that displays as many rows/cols as possible. See below for an example of my SmartGWT TreeGrid versus a screenshot of how I'd like it to look. Can you provide some tips on where I should be looking to understand how to achieve my goal?


    Click image for larger version

Name:	SmartGWT.JPG
Views:	137
Size:	20.2 KB
ID:	245110 Click image for larger version

Name:	Swing.JPG
Views:	133
Size:	17.7 KB
ID:	245111

    We're not really following the question - it looks like treeGrid.width and treeGridField.width are both either set too large or not set at all.

    However, surely you've seen both of these properties, so could you explain what's going wrong with your attempt to set a small width?

