For argument's sake, assume I have a 'text' field that contains either a 'true' or 'false' value. I need to represent the string value with a CheckboxItem, and I cannot change the field definition to type='boolean'.
Mostly, this "just works" if I setEditorType. The problem I seem to have is that when the CheckboxItem is rendered, it is always checked.
So if I'm editing a grid record with a field value of "false", the field's editor is opened with my item checked. If I click the checkbox once, the box remains checked and the underlying value is set to true - which is of course correct. Click again to uncheck and set the value to false - also correct. Just that initial state is a problem. Bug?
Here's a little testcase, run with 3.1d20121004 on Firefox 15.1
Mostly, this "just works" if I setEditorType. The problem I seem to have is that when the CheckboxItem is rendered, it is always checked.
So if I'm editing a grid record with a field value of "false", the field's editor is opened with my item checked. If I click the checkbox once, the box remains checked and the underlying value is set to true - which is of course correct. Click again to uncheck and set the value to false - also correct. Just that initial state is a problem. Bug?
Here's a little testcase, run with 3.1d20121004 on Firefox 15.1
<DataSource ID="ClientOnly" clientOnly="true" dataURL="/ds/data/CLientOnly.xml"> <fields> <field name="id" title="ID" type="int" primaryKey="true"/> <field name="value" title="Value" type="text" length="3000"/> </fields> </DataSource>
<List> <ClientOnly> <id>1</id> <value>false</value> </ClientOnly> </List>
public void onModuleLoad() { ListGrid grid = new ListGrid(); grid.setDataSource(DataSource.get("ClientOnly")); grid.setUseAllDataSourceFields(true); grid.setAutoFetchData(true); grid.setCanEdit(true); ListGridField value = new ListGridField("value"); value.setEditorType(new CheckboxItem()); grid.setFields(value); VLayout layout = new VLayout(); layout.setWidth100(); layout.setHeight100(); layout.addMember(grid); layout.draw(); if (!GWT.isScript()) { KeyIdentifier debugKey = new KeyIdentifier(); debugKey.setCtrlKey(true); debugKey.setAltKey(true); debugKey.setKeyName("D"); Page.registerKey(debugKey, new KeyCallback() { public void execute(String keyName) { SC.showConsole(); } }); } }