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    OperationBinding in multiple XML Datasources


    I am using SmartGWT EE 3.0p

    I have defined in a XML datasource an operation to perform a "Group By" in server:

    		<operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="groupOp">
    I use it for several fields, so I did it like a template.
    Before call this operation, I set in Criteria which field name I want to group ($rawValue.criteria.myProp). It works fine.

    My problem is that I would like to use this fetch operation in all my XML datasources and I don't know how. I have read the docu and threads but I don't really know how to make an operationBinding available for many DS.

    There is a way to inherit not only fields but also operations between two XML?
    I need maybe to think in another strategy (DMI?)?

    Thanks in advance!

    Ok, I am trying to put this function in server by extending "IDACall", but I have not found already a good solution...
    Any help?

