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    Application shows significant slowdown after upgrading to SmartGWT 5.1

    1) SmartClient Version: v10.1p_2017-01-15/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2017-01-15)
    2) All browsers

    Our application shows significant slowdown after upgrading from SmartGWT 4.1 to SmartGWT 5.1. After upgrading, the entire application freezes for a few seconds when it tries to draw the form items of a Dynamic form with 300+ fields.
    Do you have any idea how to fix this? Or could you suggest a way to help us track down the root of the problem?

    First of all, upgrade to 6.1, not 5.1. Upgrading to a version two versions behind the current one just means you will need to do another upgrade sooner.

    Second, there is no reason why you'd have to draw a form with 300+ items all at once. Drawing it incrementally and providing navigation such as tabs or sections will improve both performance and UX.

    Third, never report any kind of issue without checking if it occurs with the latest patched version.

    Finally, if there has been a performance regression in the latest patched version, first, like any other issue, try to isolate it and verify it's a framework issue and not an issue in your code. If you are led to this conclusion, submit the profiling information you've gathered, and what specific features you think the regression might be related to.

    Note we routinely receive claims of issues on upgrade which really have to do with other changes: different data in the new test environment, configuration changes, changes in skins, etc - watch out for these when testing.

