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    Display only "time" of DateTimeItem

    Hello Everyone,

    I use a DateTimeItem to hold Date and Time information. But the user should only be able to change the time.

    The Date Part is filled in by using the ".setEditorValueParser" and contains a fixed date (Provided by the program).*Edit
    The Time Part should be entered by the user.

    The Textfield of the DateTimeItem contains "<date> <time>" like "04.07.2017 18:14".
    What i am trying, is to change the displayed text to "<time>" like "18:14".

    I was able to change the Displayed Output like this:
            this.setEditorValueFormatter((value, record, form, item) -> {
                Date date;
                if (value instanceof String) {
                    date = LocalDateTimeConverter.localDateTimeStringToDate((String) value);
                } else {
                    date = (Date) value;
                return LocalTimeType.LOCAL_TIME_FORMAT.format(date);
    But of cause this changes the Value of the DateTimeItem, too.
    Is there a Way to change only the displayed text of the DateTimeItem?
    Last edited by JayG; 13 Jul 2017, 23:01.

    Is there some reason you would start down this path instead of just using TimeItem?


      Well, a TimeItem cant hold a specific Date, can it?
      May it became unclear, when i tryed to break down the problem. My apologies.

      I extendet the DateTimeItem and try to implement two new Funktions (See below). So there is a posibility to set a fixed Time or a fixed Date to the Form-Element, on the Client-Side. The user sould only be able to see and edit the the part of the Element, that is not fixed. Hope this is more understandable. Thank you in advance!

      public void fixDate(Date fixedDate) {...}
      public void fixTime(Date fixedTime) {...}
      Well.. i found a solution.
      I used "DateTimeItem.setEditorValueParser(...)" to manipulate the Data send to Server. Which means i add the Fixed Value.
      And i used "DateTimeItem.setEditorValueFormatter(...)" to parse the Value, that will be displayed inside the Textfild of the Formular.

      Anyway. Thanks for your time!
      Last edited by JayG; 14 Jul 2017, 01:50.


        Your best bet is probably to extend CanvasItem instead of DateTimeItem:

        - setShouldSaveValue(true)
        - add a ShowValue handler that expects to receive a Date instance (a datetime) - use DateUtil.getLogicalDate/TimeOnly() to split the incoming date - store the logicalDate locally (say, as staticDate), call (see below) timeItem.setValue() with the logical time
        - setCanvas() with a DynamicForm containing a timeItem - the timeItem should have a Changed handler which combines timeItem.getValue() and staticDate, via a call to DateUtil.combineLogicalDateAndTime()
        Last edited by Isomorphic; 14 Jul 2017, 02:31.

