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    ListGrid: fetching data on selection changes prevents recorddoubleclick notification

    I have a listgrid that needs to:
    * refresh a toolbar when the selection changes
    * show a dialog on double click

    So I set up a RecordDoubleClickHandler and SelectionChangedHandler. The latter triggers a data fetch, cause refreshing the toolbar implies fetching some data from server (using a datasource different from the one used by the list grid). The grid has a single row selection mode.

    When I double click on a row already selected, it works.
    When I double click on a row that was not selected (hence firing a selectionchanged evet) the recorddoubleclick event is not notified.
    What's wrong with my code? Using SelectionUpdatedHandler make things worse.
    Is there any known workaround?

    Here you are a snippet:
        final ListGrid grid = new ListGrid ();
        grid.addRecordDoubleClickHandler (new RecordDoubleClickHandler() {
            public void onRecordDoubleClick (RecordDoubleClickEvent event) {
                GWT.log ("double click");
                SC.say ("Double click!");//DOES NOT APPEAR DOUBLE-CLICKING ON A UNSELECTED ROW
        grid.addSelectionChangedHandler (new SelectionChangedHandler() {
            public void onSelectionChanged (SelectionEvent event) {
                fetchData ();
    private void fetchData () {
        otherDataSource.invalidateCache ();
        otherDataSource.fetchData (new Criteria (), new DSCallback() {
            public void execute (DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) {
                GWT.log ("data fetched");
    I've attached a test case. If needed I can produce a complete standalone test case based on

    Reproduced on SmartGWT 3.0 and its latest nightly build: SmartClient Version: v8.2p_2012-10-16/LGPL Development Only (built 2012-10-16)
    Attached Files

    You are doing blocking comm on the first click, so you block the second click. Set showPrompt:false via the dsRequest argument of fetchData() to correct.

