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    Client-side time filtering

    Is it possible to filter ListGrid Date fields on the time as well as the day? I have set the date time format to include minutes, and the minutes do show up in the filter editor, but don't actually work. So 10/19/2012 16:30 is the same as 10/19/2012 12:00, it returns everything that matches that day. This happens for any operator, but for equals I get the following warning in debugging mode:

    "[ERROR] - 11:47:30.329:MUP2:WARN:DateRangeItem:isc_DateRangeItem_15:DynamicForm editing Advanced criteria. Includes criterion for field LAST_OCCURED. A dateRange editor is showing for this field and the existing criteria has operator:equals. DateRange items can only edit criteria greaterThan/greaterOrEqual or lessThan/lessOrEqual. However, for the 'equals' operator, a dateRange will be constructed for you, as greaterOrEqual to [value] and lessOrEqual to [value], ie, one day."

    This is on SmartGWT 3.0d, Mac OSX, Firefox 16.


    Take a look at the Date and Time Format and Storage overview. If your filtering and display should involve time as well as date values, the field should be declared as type "datetime".

    As far as the log warning message, it's pretty much self-explanatory, but to rephrase it: you've defined a criterion using the "equals" operator but you are trying to edit it with a FormItem that would never produce a criterion like that, so it's not a valid editor to use for this criterion.

