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    I'm really fond of your exception handler. I just want it to work as it has to.

    And i fondly thought Isomorphic is interested in improving ther product and gladly accept bug reports from their beloved users.

    So should i consider this issue rejected or we're going to continue our conversation?
    Last edited by vostapenko; 30 Oct 2012, 13:57.


      We can't tell if you're just being snide or what. You're talking about this piece of code right:

                  GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
                      public void onUncaughtException(Throwable e) {
                          if (!GWT.isScript()) {
                              Window.alert("Uncaught exception escaped : " + e.getClass().getName() + "\n" + e.getMessage() +
                                      "\nSee the Development console log for details." +
                                      "\nRegister a GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(..) for custom uncaught exception handling."
                          GWT.log("Uncaught exception escaped", e);
      If you want different behavior it's very very easy to replace this.

      We don't see the behavior you propose as a straight enhancement, but rather as a tradeoff, so we will not be adding it. We do have other plans in this area, which cannot quickly be summarized, which inform this point of view.

      Anyway, we need to get back to known bugs and improvements.


        [Editor's note: the content of this post is incorrect. See next post by Isomorphic for clarification]
        Yes, i'm talking about this code.

        And i'm saying that GWT.log() which probably should log messages to developer console (through some registered SmartGWT loggers or something else - that's just an assumption) doesn't do it.

        From my point of view - it is a bug, because in your documentation it's stated that development console provides information about errors.

        If it works as designed, than please fix your docs and replace "See the Development console log for details" as it misleads developers, searching for details. Adding logError method to SC is also appreceated then.

        In your posts you've repeated a couple of times, that Developer Console logs javascript errors, but it does not (at least 3.1, 3.0). And i don't see the reason, why you now consider my report a time-waste.

        You're repeatedly saying that if i don't like your handler - i can implement my own. But it's not about i don't like it, it doesn't work as intended. If one of your visual components contain bug - does it mean i don't like it and should rewrite it on my own? What for is your product then?

        Ok, enougth of this.

        The conclusion of this theme:

        SmartGwt developer console doesn't provide any info about client javascript errors. Any logging of the errors should be implemented in custom handler via GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler() and SC.logWarn() (yes, log warn, even if you're loggin error).
        Last edited by Isomorphic; 30 Oct 2012, 15:04.


          Sorry, you are quite incorrect.

          The Developer Console *does* log JavaScript errors. What it does not log is JavaScript errors that occur entirely in the domain of GWT code, without ever calling into SmartClient.

          Because GWT mostly generates Exceptions and not JavaScript errors as such, this is rare (mostly hand-written JSNI) and depending on the native debugging facilities in various browsers (which differ greatly and change constantly) and how those interact with GWT's internal error reporting, this is not something where there's a simple, clearly best solution for all scenarios.

          As an example, depending on the browser, browser version, GWT version, the sophistication of your end users, and what tools you have installed, you may actually want to set the UncaughtExceptionHandler back to null to get the best information.

          Now, you weren't necessarily wasting Support's efforts before, but when you try to make public clarifications about our docs which are flat wrong and force us to correct you, then you are, in fact, wasting Support's efforts.

          So please realize that while bug reports are always appreciated, there's a difference between reporting a bug and critiquing a design when you don't actually have all the background knowledge about where the design came from. In these latter cases, please just respect Support's opinion rather than going on to publicly post erroneous information as fact.

