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    How to prevent clicking an element activates focused state


    I have customized the styling of focused elements but I ran into a problem.

    The focused state gets activated when you tab to or when you click on an element. Now for some elements we would only like the focused-style to be activated when the user tabs to and not when he clicks on the element. Is there a way to do this without having to add a clickhandler?

    No. You can use setCanFocus(false) but that will apply to focus caused by click or keyboard.

    I'm assuming this is for IE, right? I don't recall if we have focus stuff happening when we click in FF or Chrome. I could be wrong.


      Click will activate the focus on all browsers.
      For the moment we are using a clickhandler to deactivate the focus (blur) on the element but because there is a delay you can briefly see the focusstyle before it disappears, which is a bit unrefined.

