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    SmartGWT (pro) dependencies

    Hi There,

    we're looking at upgrading to 6.1 to try out the new cool skin!

    While doing that, i took a peek at the /lib folder, and it seems that some stuff is gone (for example isc-jakarta-oro) and various things are new.

    I would find it really useful to know what dependencies are needed for what functionality, what they are and why they are needed.
    I looked in all the locations i could think of (the .zip release doc folder, javadocs, wiki, FAQ, quickstart guide) but found no such thing.

    Is there any documentation at all related to the various library dependencies in smartGWT?


    Hi mathias,

    please have a look at the JavaModuleDependencies-docs.

    Best regards


      Blama, i thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have even looked at several times before ofc, but managed to not find it today.,.
      Last edited by mathias; 4 Aug 2017, 13:10.


        On this topic, i looked a bit at my maven dependencies. In all my smartgwt dependencies, i exclude apache's httpcomponents

        <exclusion> <groupId>commons-httpclient</groupId> <artifactId>commons-httpclient</artifactId> </exclusion> Surely this must mean that at one point smartgwt depended on that library. You remember why? And any idea when it was removed?

        EDIT: Just checked the POM and did mvn dependency:tree, and it seems that core-rpc has a dependency on a whole bunch of stuff, including httpclient. But the dependency page does not mention it.
        Last edited by mathias; 1 Oct 2017, 13:52.


          Our HttpProxyServlet used to depend on that library.


            OK, but if it doesn't depend on the library, how come httpclient is still listed as a dependency in the pom for 6.1 ?


              Mathias, I have recently upgraded to using SmartGWT 6.1. I specify an earlier version of the jakarta-oro.jar in my project .pom

              Disclaimer: I'm not sure if this is advised or not, but seems to work for my project

