Hi Isomorphic,
while the W3C CSS Validation Service is not always up to date and therefore reports some bogus errors, it does find some syntax errors.
Please see these rules in v11.1p_2017-08-08:
Best regards
while the W3C CSS Validation Service is not always up to date and therefore reports some bogus errors, it does find some syntax errors.
Please see these rules in v11.1p_2017-08-08:
.ribbonBar { background-color: #white; [B]//The #[/B] .toolStripButtonOver, .toolStripButtonFocusedOver, .toolStripButtonSelectedFocused, .toolStripButtonSelectedFocusedOver, .toolStripButtonOpened, .toolStripButtonOverOpened, .toolStripButtonDownOpened, .toolStripButtonFocusedOpened, .toolStripButtonFocusedDownOpened, .toolStripButtonFocusedOverOpened, .toolStripButtonSelectedOpened, .toolStripButtonSelectedDownOpened, .toolStripButtonSelectedOverOpened { background-color: #transparent; [B]//The #[/B] .navBarHeaderPaneTitle, .navBarHeaderPaneTitleDisabled, .detailPaneTitle, .detailPaneTitleDisabled, .listPaneTitle, .listPaneTitleDisabled { background-color: #f0f0f0; color: #616161; border: "1px solid #d1d3d4"; [B]//The ""[/B] .sectionHeaderDisabledopened, .sectionHeaderDisabledclosed { background-color: #bce7e7; * [B]//The * (or is it some CSS hack?)[/B] zoom: 1;