I am trying to pass a dynamic value to a variable say test_id which will be passed on by the view as supplied by the user in cutomSQL tag as:
Select a.a_id
where a.a_name = $criteria.name;
setting criteria for the list which is associated with the ds above:
final Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
criteria.addCriteria(name, "test");
Any idea about the same that how can we pass values supplied to the criteria in the custom SQL tag or any other alternates?
I am trying to pass a dynamic value to a variable say test_id which will be passed on by the view as supplied by the user in cutomSQL tag as:
Select a.a_id
where a.a_name = $criteria.name;
setting criteria for the list which is associated with the ds above:
final Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
criteria.addCriteria(name, "test");
Any idea about the same that how can we pass values supplied to the criteria in the custom SQL tag or any other alternates?