In a piece of my code, I update a row in a SQL server table. I'm doing this with the use of a criteria on PK column "status_id=12345". That works fine with dsRequest.sqlExecute(...,"update"...), and it's really easy.
But... this morning, I did a misspelling in the criteria fieldName: "statttttus_id" (instead of "status_id" in my ds file).
Such error should produce an dsRequest.Status error. Or maybe an exception?
Well instead of this, a wrong query was executed: "Update .... where (1=1)" -> all my table was update!!!
Can you please check about this?
Best regards
In a piece of my code, I update a row in a SQL server table. I'm doing this with the use of a criteria on PK column "status_id=12345". That works fine with dsRequest.sqlExecute(...,"update"...), and it's really easy.
But... this morning, I did a misspelling in the criteria fieldName: "statttttus_id" (instead of "status_id" in my ds file).
Such error should produce an dsRequest.Status error. Or maybe an exception?
Well instead of this, a wrong query was executed: "Update .... where (1=1)" -> all my table was update!!!
Can you please check about this?
Best regards