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    ListGrid formatting criteria issue

    SmartGWT-pro 6.0-p20170620.
    Google Chrome version 60.0.3112.101


    we have encountered an issue regarding formatting in ListGrid with criteria.
    Specifically criteria with operator EQUALS and the value of type Date.

    It seems that when an EQUALS comparison is made, the app crashes at sc/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js trying to compare dates ("TypeError: _90.compareDates is not a function" in Chrome developer tools).
    Any other operator (including LESS_OR_EQUAL, GREATER_OR_EQUAL) works fine.

    The first thing to do is update to the latest build from, since we don't see issues in those builds, and your current build is a couple of months old - if you still see problems with the latest build, please confirm how you're setting the criteria (in code, which methods, or in the UI, which technique?)


      Updated to 6.1-p20170827.
      Issue persists when setting the criteria both via code (Hilite.setCriteria(), ListGrid.setHilites())
      and via the UI window Edit highlights - Add advanced rule.

      In the former, same behaviour is observed as described in the originial post, in the latter, no change is made to the appearance of the listGrid.


        There seems to be another issue with the UI window Edit highlights - Add advanced rule dialog.
        If a date is selected from the combobox (ie. Today, Yesterday, N days ago) it functions properly (ecxluding the equals operation), whereas if the date is picked with the datepicker, the value is somehow ignored when applying the criteria resulting in either no changes done or some odd behaviour (applying selected styles to cells with null values).


          Ah, it concerns Hilites - ok, we'll take a look and get back to you.


            Regarding your last post, this sounds like an issue with data-types or locale settings/formatters. Please show a standalone test-case,or indicate a framework sample, that shows the issue.

            In this case, that includes DataSources, if required (clientOnly ones is fine).

