SmartGWT-pro 6.0-p20170620.
Google Chrome version 60.0.3112.101
we have encountered an issue regarding formatting in ListGrid with criteria.
Specifically criteria with operator EQUALS and the value of type Date.
It seems that when an EQUALS comparison is made, the app crashes at sc/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js trying to compare dates ("TypeError: _90.compareDates is not a function" in Chrome developer tools).
Any other operator (including LESS_OR_EQUAL, GREATER_OR_EQUAL) works fine.
Google Chrome version 60.0.3112.101
we have encountered an issue regarding formatting in ListGrid with criteria.
Specifically criteria with operator EQUALS and the value of type Date.
It seems that when an EQUALS comparison is made, the app crashes at sc/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js trying to compare dates ("TypeError: _90.compareDates is not a function" in Chrome developer tools).
Any other operator (including LESS_OR_EQUAL, GREATER_OR_EQUAL) works fine.