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    Problem in Visual Builder with custom component

    I am using smartgwt pro v6.1 (SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2017-07-30/Pro Development Only (built 2017-07-30)).
    I tried to extend a IButton with a new class called IButtonTest and I want to use this object in visual builder.
    After I configured the palette I can drag and drop IButtonTest in DataView Layout but when I save the screen I noticed that this object is saved as IButton as shown in the following pictures

    Click image for larger version

Name:	screen.PNG
Views:	136
Size:	75.0 KB
ID:	248842

    Click image for larger version

Name:	code.PNG
Views:	63
Size:	16.0 KB
ID:	248843

    I tried to manually change the tag IButton into IButtonTest as shown in the following picture

    Click image for larger version

Name:	codeTest.PNG
Views:	70
Size:	16.0 KB
ID:	248844

    When I save the xml it gives me an error in the console as shown in the following picture

    Click image for larger version

Name:	error.PNG
Views:	73
Size:	95.2 KB
ID:	248845

    In the attachments there are some screenshots about the configuration used (, customComponent.xml, globalDependencies.xml,, IButtonTest.ds.xml, entryPoint)
    Attached Files

    no good news, tips for me?


      Sorry for the delay. We are reviewing the issue and will get back to you shortly.


        Using custom SmartGWT components in Visual Builder isn't something that is properly supported at the moment. As you have discovered, such components are partially usable at design time, but runtime support would require use of the internal-only VisualBuilder class in your own application code, which is explicitly not supported. Full runtime support for custom SGWT components in a VB-designed app would also require some additional reflection capabilities.

        Note, it is possible to use custom SGWT components with the Dashboards and Tools framework

