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    Datasource DMI question

    Is it possible to set the datasource serverObject to a remote server? If so how?

    what parameters should i put in

    <serverObject lookupStyle="new" className="com.smartgwt.SampleServer"/>


    anyone? i'm just wondering how i can deploy the server remotely to the client....


      So I think I posted the wrong question, Maybe to rephrase, I want the smgtee server side to communicate with my remote java bean hosted in jboss AS7, is this possible?

      Instead of the smgwtee server side directly connecting to the database, I would like to call my existing bean which connects to the database...

      Any ideas/examples please?


        No offense, but 3 posts later it's still pretty unclear what you're asking or why you'd choose to set things up this way. It sounds like you'd want to either call your remote service from some DMI, the same way you'd call it from any other server-side code, or write a custom datasource that made the call, like any other call from server-side code, or don't issue the request to your SmartGWT server at all.

