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    displayField makes a join?

    If I have the following:
    <field name="f_klassenlehrer"/>
    <field name="f_klassenlehrer_text" customSelectExpression="case when ..." />

    No join is being made. This is what I want in this case. I don't have more fields (no foreignKey, etc).

    By just adding "displayField" to <field name="f_klassenlehrer"/>, i.e.: <field name="f_klassenlehrer" displayField="f_klassenlehrer_text"/>, a join is being made.
    Why ? By reading the docs I see:

    Name of another field in this DataSource that should be used as the display value for this field.
    Typically used for editable foreignKey fields:

    I understand this as "typically, but not always", so I thought this can be used without joins. Is this incorrect?

    Using smartgwt 6.0p power

    I just noticed that my datasource has autoDeriveSchema="true". If I change this to false, no join is being made with
    <field name="f_klassenlehrer" displayField="f_klassenlehrer_text"/>.

    Is this a bug or is this intended behavior?


      This is correct behavior. AutoDeriveSchema can pick up relationships from the DB schema. If you are specifying fields manually you likely don't want to enable that setting.


        Hi Isomorphic,

        I specify *some* fields manually, the rest should be automatic, as you have recommended in the past. For example, for fields of the type of:
        <field name="f_archiv" type="boolean" sqlStorageStrategy="number" />
        where the sqlStorageStrategy must be specified manually.

        What I don't understand is why a relationship is being picked up only by the "displayField" value. What has a display field to do with foreign keys (if not using a foreign key using the foreignKey attribute) ?

        a) <field name="f_klassenlehrer" />: no relationship being picked up
        b) <field name="f_klassenlehrer" displayField="f_klassenlehrer_text"/>: no relationship being picked up

        c) <field name="f_klassenlehrer" />: no relationship being picked up
        d) <field name="f_klassenlehrer" displayField="f_klassenlehrer_text"/>: a foreign key relationship being picked up

        Why do you have a foreign key relationship being picked up in d) *only because the displayField* ?
        In c) I also have autoderiveschema=true: why is the relationship not being picked here?


          If your displayField ("f_klassenlehrer_text") is an includeFrom field, which it presumably must be, then setting it as the displayField for a field that is being fetched implies that this field is also needed, even if not specified in dsRequest.outputs. In that situation, setting displayField can and should result in a join.

          If this isn't your situation, show more of your DataSource. Oddly, you haven't shown us any of your FK fields, or shown what kind of join is being generated. Obviously if a join is being generated successfully there are some relations to other tables involved, and we can only explain the behavior if we have the whole picture.

