I have a custom order clause that I am using in order to sort IP addresses. However, the order is not coming back correctly. When I switch to basic fetchmode, it appears to work correctly, but in Paged mode it doesn't.
Here is what my template looks like:
I turned on JDBC tracing to see what query was being run:
I'm not sure why the order by is needed twice, but it is doing the custom order by in one case, and overriding it with the non-customized order by and giving back the wrong order.
Here is what my template looks like:
<DataSource tableName="device" ID="device" dataSourceVersion="1" generatedBy="dev current" serverType="sql" > <fields> <field primaryKey="true" name="dev_id" type="number" hidden="true"></field> <field name="dev_displayname" length="128" type="ntext" title="Device Display name"></field> <field name="dev_address" length="50" type="ntext" title="Address"></field> <field name="dev_ipaddress" length="32" type="ntext" title="Network: IP Address"></field> </fields> <operationBindings> <operationBinding operationType="fetch" > <orderClause> #if($dsRequest.sortBy) #if($dsRequest.sortBy == "dev_ipaddress") cast(dbo.fnParseString(1,'.',dev_ipaddress) as INT), cast(dbo.fnParseString(2,'.',dev_ipaddress) as INT), cast(dbo.fnParseString(3,'.',dev_ipaddress) as INT), cast(dbo.fnParseString(4,'.',dev_ipaddress) as INT) #else $defaultOrderClause #end #else dev_displayname #end </orderClause> </operationBinding> </operationBindings> </DataSource>
SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY x.dev_ipaddress) AS rowID FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT device.display_name, device.dev_address, device.dev_ipaddress ORDER BY cast(dbo.fnParseString(1,'.',dev_ipaddress) as INT), cast(dbo.fnParseString(2,'.',dev_ipaddress) as INT), cast(dbo.fnParseString(3,'.',dev_ipaddress) as INT), cast(dbo.fnParseString(4,'.',dev_ipaddress) as INT) ) x) y WHERE y.rowID BETWEEN 1 AND 75