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    Disable drop shadow from Edit Hilites grid header

    SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2017-08-03/LGPL Development Only (built 2017-08-03)

    All Browsers

    After rolling from v11.0p_2016-10-23, The grid header in the Edit Hilites dialog is showing a shadow. Is there a way to disable the shadow on this grid header?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	EditHilitesDropshadow.PNG
Views:	174
Size:	2.5 KB
ID:	248924

    It's in the CSS style for the grid header, so it's not something you'd need a JavaScript setting for.

    If you meant you want to get rid of it just here, and not in other grids, you can use the AutoChild system to navigate through all the different AutoChildren involved and change the style used in just that one case.


      All of our grid headers contained box shadows after the roll, and I was able to disable the other ones with setShowHeaderShadow(false). I checked our css, and we aren't setting a box-shadow property with a value anywhere (just box-shadow:none in some classes). The dev tools show the box-shadow property is applied directly to the div element in the grid header, and was not inherited from a css class. Any idea what would cause that?



        The showHeaderShadow feature does indeed turn on a header shadow without using a CSS style from the skin, because it couldn't quite be done correctly with just normal styling (details of the header structure in frozen and unfrozen modes - problems with overlapping shadows).

        Rather than turning this off per-grid, if you want it off, just change the default setting.


          That worked, thanks!


            Hi, i noticed this feature is true by default in 12.0 even though the docs say the default is false?


              This feature is actually enabled per-skin. Framework-level default is false but some skins turn it on by default.

              There's really no good way for the documentation to show such details other than enumerating settings for every skin, which would be a lot to maintain. Sorry for the confusion.


                Thanks for clarifying. You could update the docs just to explain the default is different for different skins? Also, I'd vote that feature is defaulted to false in most cases as the latest trend is flat design.


                  If we made such a mention it would need to appear on every single visual setting in the framework, which doesn't seem useful.

                  Feel free to configure the design to match your tastes.

