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    GWT-Ex to SmartGWT Chart

    Is there a chart or mapping which shows a correlation between the older GWT-Ext to SmartGWT classes? For instance, GWT-Ext used FormPanel but in SmartGWT, you can use HLayout/VLayout. It is my understanding that SmartGWT is an updated version of GWT-Ext.
    Last edited by bwilkins30; 19 Nov 2012, 06:02.

    Updated version is one way to put it... I kind of describe SmartGwt as the Mythical Phoenix that rose from the ashes of GWT-Ex.

    As for your question - I have no idea. I'm assuming you are interested in doing some port or upgrade of a current app that uses GWT-Ex?


      Originally posted by amcculley View Post
      Updated version is one way to put it... I kind of describe SmartGwt as the Mythical Phoenix that rose from the ashes of GWT-Ex.
      Nice :) btw it was GWT-Ext


        Have to figure out a way to work that into the logo..


          Originally posted by amcculley View Post
          As for your question - I have no idea. I'm assuming you are interested in doing some port or upgrade of a current app that uses GWT-Ex?
          Yes, I have a very large application that was integrated with GWT-Ext. I have to update well over a hundred files.

