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    Nested grids having same datasource behaving incorrectly

    I am using below verison
    SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2017-07-09/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2017-07-09)

    I have nested grids pointing to the same datasource.

    ListGrid nestedGrid = new ListGrid();
    final DataSource testDataSource = DataSource.get("test");

    If i expand two nested grids and edit one, the data in the second grid also appears to be change (this should not happen). However when i refresh the page, changes in second grid are not saved.
    I have written custom server side code for fetch, edit and delete based on the id in parent grid.
    Please help

    Data updates will occur across two grids, by design, since we wouldn't want to be showing stale data, Updates will happen based on both records having the same value for their primary key fields, which is how you tell the framework that the records are the same record. You can read more about this in the QuickStart Guide (Data Integration chapter) and the in the overview doc for the ResultSet class.

    Most likely you are using colliding primary key values for records you intended to be different. Regardless, let us know if you find clear evidence that the framework is not behaving as designed.

