if I start the smartgwt showcase demo in Firefox 17 from the smartgwt server, it looks like in "smartgwt.png" and "modal-window.png". But if I start the showcase demo (smargwt 3.1 in Firefox 17) local with "ant hosted", then I have again black screen problem "modal-window-local.png" and another display problems "smartgwt-local.png" with digits marked.
What should I do in order to fix these?
Firstly, I've downloaded smartgwt and tried. Than I downloaded nightly build and tried. Without success.
You both seem to have an older version cached in your browser, IDE or somewhere else. Use the latest from smartclient.com/builds, and use the instructions in the FAQ to verify you are actually loading the new code.
firstly, thank you very much for help. I've tried the latest builds of 3.1p and 4.0d. The most problems disapeared. But in development mode (only) e.g. comboboxes are often displayed as in "smartgwt-local.png" (see above) and tabs as in "tabs-local.png" while these problems are absent, if app runs in server.
We're not seeing these issues and they obviously don't occur in the Showcase. If they persist for you, try providing information on how they can be reproduced.
Whether to use 3.1p or 4.0d is a decision for you based on how cutting edge you'd like to be - see smartclient.com/builds for background on the stability of these different versions.