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    ListGrid not scrollable when disabled

    Hi Isomorphic, we have a requirement where we need to disable grid (with the greyedout look) and at the same time should be able to make the grid scrollabe, is it possible? If so please guide us how this can be accomplished. Tried different ways of accomplishing the same, but in vain. Your guidance in this regard would be immensely helpful
    We are using SmartGwt6 and Chrome browser.

    If the grid is scrollable, it sounds like it's not really disabled per se. Disabled means no interactivity.

    If you want the grid to be read-only, just turn off editing. If other, specific features should be turned off, turn them off but do not use the disabled state.


      Thank you Isomorphic for your reply. Disabled means - no scrollability that whats I have understood from your comments. Is there any way to make the look of grid dynamically switch between active the usual color look and greyedout look which it looks when it is disabled? To put it simply can i make a grid ready only (retaining the scrollability)and achieve the greyedout look? ( Please be noted that the application which we are working has other elements of gwt which are greyed out on certain conditions and we want the same uniform greyed out look across the application). Your suggestions are much appreciated.


        A greyed/disabled styling for the whole widget may not be the clearest thing for your end users, depending on what interactivity you leave enabled. Elsewhere, controls that are read-only but not disabled take on a mixed appearance.

        getCellStyle / getCellCSSText and other methods allow you to affect the appearance of the data area.

        setFieldHeaderBaseStyle() would allow you to update headers to a greyish look.


          Thank you Isomorphic appreciate your suggestions, will try that approach if we could meet the requirements. Thanks a lot!.

