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    10.1p: Grouped ListGrid shows server-rejected changes as persisted

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this sample (v10.1p_2017-10-25, change: "height:600, canEdit:true, sortField:"countryName",") and prepare the data with all population set to "500000000".
    Now change the population value of Brasil (1st in the list) to "5000000000" (one zero more, value too large). For me, this happens:
    • Server error message
    • then GUI looks like it accepted the Brasil change and Canada (2nd in list before) looks like it is being edited.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Falsely accepted value in GUI.gif
Views:	104
Size:	152.8 KB
ID:	249933

    Best regards

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please note that also setting "modalEditing:true," changes the behavior. Rejected rows are shown as accepted and moved to the new group as if the edit was successful.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	ListGrid server errors and modal editing.gif
Views:	91
Size:	72.3 KB
ID:	249966

    Best regards


      We see the problem you're talking about, but it may not be a simple fix. We'll update this thread when it's been sorted out.


        Hi Isomorphic,

        this has no priority for me, as server failures are not too common and should be covered by validation errors, IMHO. I just noticed it creating a different testcase (this already fixed one).

        Best regards


          We've fixed the original issue back to SGWT 5.1p/SC 10.1p. The fix will be in the nightly builds dated 11-17-2017 and beyond. (Actually for SGWT 6.0p/SC 11.0p and newer, it's in the nightlies dated today.)

          You may also want to check the modalEditing issue you reported to see if it's fixed too.


            Hi Isomorphic,

            I just retested using v10.1p_2017-12-21. This is fixed for me now with and without modalEditing.

            Best regards

