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    SmartGWT on mobile enhancement suggestion: Pull to Refresh in ListGrid

    Hi Isomorphic,

    it would be great if ListGrids on mobile (or all touch devices?) would support a "Pull to Refresh" (=Pull to invalidateCache()) by default, if you try to scroll up when already at the top and then release.
    Or is this already somehow possible?

    Best regards

    You might be able to use the Scrolled event and watch for negative coordinates, then float an element (like a spinning wheel .gif) over the blank space.

    But remember that desktop users won't have this option, so you'll need a menu or button-driven alternate way to do this as well.

    Note also that we wouldn't add this by default as this would be giving end users a capability that doesn't make sense in lots of grids, and could break applications.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      of course this needs to be made possible to desktop users in some other way, like a button. For example here you disable features not needed for a certain device class.
      I do not see how this could break existing web apps regularly. IMHO this can only happen if one relies on scrollHandlers. But of course - a setter more to enable/disable is always better :)

      I'll test what happens for scroll events as well. Perhaps that way it is also possible to stop scrolling ListGrid content out of view to the left and right (I assume coordinates-watching and event.cancel()).

      Best regards


        There are dozens of ways in which a user-triggered invalidateCache could break apps. Some simple examples include applications in which updateCaches() is used to make changes to cached data which are not reflected in a fresh server dataset. So this definitely cannot be on by default.

