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    CubeGrid: FacetValueContextMenus - Disabling auto-close when checking/unchecking value

    Hi Isomorphic,

    For the CubeGrid (consider 'Basic Cube' example from the showcase), by default it shows the context menu for the Facet Headers which can be disabled if needed.
    However, when we check/uncheck some value from the context menu, it closes. We would like the context menu to remain open in case user wants to deal with multiple items.
    This close of the menu increases the number of clicks if the user has to, say, hide 5 different values for a facet.
    Is there a way to disable the menu close? (I tried searching in the docs but didn't find anything)


    There's currently no easy way to change the behavior of the built-in menu, however, you could provide your own interface that gives the user the ability to rapidly select multiple facetValues and then rebuilds the CubeGrid.


      Oh, okay.
      Thanks for the quick response.

