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    Strange behavior of Timeline widget


    I am observing the following strange behavior of Timeline widget in SmartGWT Showcase:
    1. Open up Timeline Resolution
    2. Select Hours(1 day) option
    3. Click on 'Choose a date' and select pretty much any date
    4. Observe that timeline starts at noon and goes until 10 am the next morning.
    Expected to see 0-23 hours for a selected date.
    Also can't find any way to control this programmatically.


    This has been fixed for builds dated November 20 - the problem was that the DateChooser was working with logical dates (no time editor) - from tomorrow, it will allow editing of the time portion where appropriate - it will default to 00:00, but you can select any start time for your Timeline.



      Just downloaded the latest overnight build to check this fix.
      However, now I am getting the following as soon as I try to bring mouse over the calendar:

      com.smartgwt.client.core.JsObject$SGWT_WARN: 18:22:31.515:pointermove0:WARN:Log:TypeError: Unable to get property 'duplicate' of undefined or null reference
      Stack from error.stack:
      TimelineView.getDateFromPoint () @ lbp/sc/modules/ISC_Calendar.js?isc_version=11.1.js:405:108
      CalendarView.mouseMove () @ lbp/sc/modules/ISC_Calendar.js?isc_version=11.1.js:87:503
      Canvas.handleMouseMove () @ lbp/sc/modules/ISC_Core.js?isc_version=11.1.js:3376:19
      EventHandler.bubbleEvent () @ lbp/sc/modules/ISC_Core.js?isc_version=11.1.js:2045:78
      EventHandler.._handleMouseMove () @ lbp/sc/modules/ISC_Core.js?isc_version=11.1.js:1872:123
      EventHandler._handleMouseMove () @ lbp/sc/modules/ISC_Core.js?isc_version=11.1.js:1854:232
      EventHandler._handlePointerMove () @ lbp/sc/modules/ISC_Core.js?isc_version=11.1.js:1907:809
      EventHandler.dispatch () @ lbp/sc/modules/ISC_Core.js?isc_version=11.1.js:2131:73
      Function code () @ Function code:1:48

      Here's our Timeline props:
      Timeline calendar = new Timeline(); calendar.setWidth100(); calendar.setHeight100(); calendar.setShowAddEventButton(false); calendar.setShowEventDescriptions(false); calendar.setAlternateLaneStyles(false); calendar.setEventSnapGap(1); calendar.setCanGroupLanes(true); calendar.setAlternateLaneStyles(true); calendar.setCanAdaptWidth(true); calendar.setHeaderLevels(new HeaderLevel(TimeUnit.DAY), new HeaderLevel(TimeUnit.HOUR)); calendar.setTwentyFourHourTime(true); calendar.setColumnsPerPage(24);


        We aren't seeing any problems if we just create a Timeline with your properties, draw() it and move/click/drag over it, so there must be more to this.

        Are you confirming that the change we made (for the online sample problem you showed) is working, but that this separate issue is happening in your app code?

        If so, please show a standalone test-case we can run that shows the issue and we'll take another look.


          I am sorry - this turned out to be user error. Basically we had startDate more than endDate which was causing this.
          Ideally, we get some sort of a warning message doing setTimeline with incorrect dates or for setStartDate/EndDate combo, but yeah - user error.
          Sorry about that.
          The original issue is fixed. We found some other strange stuff but I'll open a different topic if confirmed.

          Thank you,
          Last edited by smartiro; 1 Dec 2017, 06:21.

