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    Smargwt 6.1 and GWT 2.8.2 compatibility

    Hi Isomorphic, Currently I am using Tahoe Skin and GWT 2.7.0 for my development, wanted to upgrade to GWT 2.8.2 so that it supports com.googlecode.gwt.crypto.util.SecureRandom library. But I am concerned that smartgwt 6.1 might not compatible with GWT 2.8.2.

    Our automated test process for SGWT 6.1p targets older versions of GWT, but we have investigated compatibility with GWT 2.8.x and found no major problems. However, due to new JARs added in GWT 2.8.x, if you're trying to run SuperDevMode inside Eclipse using a legacy project, you may need to either re-order your JAR dependencies or add specific JVM arguments to configure what JARs to use for JAXP. You can find details in our SGWT EE Setup topic here.

    Note that if you're also switching to Java 9, there are some unresolved issues beyond our control that presumably the GWT team is working on. You can browse open issues on GWT's Github page to investigate.


      Last edited by edulid; 1 May 2018, 23:19. Reason: Duplicate


        Hi Isomorphic
        I am using GWT 2.8.2 and everything seems to work, yes. Now I am thinking of upgrading to Java 9, which, according to GWT, is supported in 2.8.2.
        You mention some unresolved issues: which specific issues have you encountered ? And would you actually recommend upgrading to java 9 or to stick to java 8?
        Last edited by edulid; 2 May 2018, 04:52.


          We linked to the issue above - they are GWT issues.

          Unless you have a compelling, specific reason that using Java 9 would enhance your productivity, we see no reason to upgrade at this early moment when GWT is still working on full support.


            Hi Isomorphic
            you linked to all GWT issues ( , not to a specific one.
            Could you please tell me which specific java 9 issues are you encountered ?

            Do I understand something incorrectly? You say GWT is still working on full support, but in the GWT 2.8.2 release notes I see:
            • Supports running in Java 9. Note that this does not yet mean that GWT can compile Java 9 sources, or support the Java 9 JRE changes, but that a Java 9 JRE can be used to compile a GWT project. Do note that the new --module-path flag is not supported, but-classpath must still be used as in the past.
            Maybe I don't understand fully this sentence: what does it mean that GWT can not compile Java 9 sources but Java 9 JRE can compile a GWT project ? A GWT project is composed of java classes that are compiled into javascript. So this sentence is strange, maybe you can explain it ? I know it is GWT and not SmartGWT, but, since you say GWT is still working on full support, I think you have more information :)


              Hi edulid,

              the page has a java9 tag and you can also search for java9. I can see three open issues there.
              I think what the GWT team is saying is that you can't use GWT to compile java classes, that use java9 language features, to JS.
              But you can use the java9 java.exe in combination with GWT to compile java classes, that use java8 language features only, to JS.

              I think they mean a feature like "Collections können bequem erzeugt werden" here:
              List<String> vornamenListe = List.of("Hinz", "Kunz", "Fritz");
              So you should be able to use java9, but need to set the compiler compliance level to 8 in Eclipse in order to have already Eclipse show you non-working features.

              Best regards

