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    Tabbing issue on Firefox

    Hi Isomorphic

    I have been on a customers site today where they have been showing me an issue with tabbing in firefox. Most of the time there is no issue however, when they are on a form with around 8 fields, and press tab, on rare occasion, instead of tabbing to the next field, it jumps to the section below.

    Inspecting the DOM I can see that the issue appears to be due to teh fact that all the search fields have a tabindex="-1".

    Usually when inspecting these fields, the tab index is set correctly to some value, please note I do not manually set the tabindex.

    I've been trying and trying to to replicate the issue but I just can not make the tabindex be -1.

    From a code point of view, would you be able to in what set of circumstances that tabindex would get set to -1?

    GWT Version : 2.7.0
    SmartGWT Version : 5.1p
    SmartGWT Build Date : 12/10/2017 11:12


    tabIndex=-1 makes an element focusable but doesn't include it in the page's tab order. There are relatively obscure valid use cases for this, but the framework would never apply that setting to fields in a form, so we suspect the actual cause here is either a third-party library you are using or a browser extension that is installed in the Firefox instances at this site.


      Thank you for the feedback, that gives me something to look into.


