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    XY Location when ListGridRecord is clicked?

    SmartClient Version: SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-01-06/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2011-01-06) / GWT 1.7.1

    How can I get the location of the ListGridRecord when clicked?

    I need to:

    window.setTop(getPageTop() + getHeight());

    On top of the ListGridRecord. The way the code above works is it puts the Window at the very bottom of the container in which the ListGrid lives in.

    If you just want to place the Window at the mouse, you can use EventHandler.getX()/getY().

    If you want to place it precisely under the record, this is a little harder due to scrolling: in pseudocode, you want:

    body = grid.getGridRenderer();
    body.getPageTop() + (grid.getCellHeight() * grid.getEventRow()) - body.getScrollTop()


      Looking through your Showcase online, could I follow the same idea as the Custom Cell Editors and create my own editor that pops up? The only difference is I will not be changing the value of the cell, but rather doing a bunch of other things related to the cell?


        There's a few possibilities - since you're putting something right under the record and it's not an editor, you might consider expandable rows.

        The Custom Cell Editors sample is really showing having *different types* on every row, but you could use listGridField.editorType to add a FormItemIcon that pops up a Window.


          listGridField.editorType does not take type FormItemIcon? I really like this direction...but I don't think the FormItemIcon will work? Unless I didn't get your suggestion clearly?


            listGridField.editorType takes a FormItem, which in turn takes a FormItemIcon via setIcons().

            If you basically want a static display of the value plus an icon, use StaticTextItem as the FormItem.

