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    Connecting different datasources to different DBs

    Hi Isomorphic,

    Hi Isomorphic Team,
    We are using the ismorphic version : 6.1-p20170930
    my current functionality uses SmartGWT + Spring Rest services.
    We are using Google chrome browser latest version.

    My application has a page which has 2 components (Form and Grid)
    Grid is connected to Datasource1 and Form is connected to Datasource2.

    I want Datasource1 to connect to a 'DB2' schema tables and
    Datasource2 to connect to 'Sql server' schema tables.

    I want to use "customHQL" in my ds.xml files.

    Could you please suggest how I can achieve this?

    If these are SQLDataSources, you just use a different setting for DataSource.dbName. You can use customSQL as usual.

    However for some reason you also mention customHQL, which is a feature of HibernateDataSources, not SQLDataSources. If that's not just a typo, then note that for Hibernate, connections to multiple different databases are handled via Hibernate configuration.


      Oh and also, it almost certainly does not make sense to use Spring Rest Services since you already have our server framework. That would just create a lot of unnecessary extra work. Even if you already have the services built, it's still probably a bad idea - see the FAQ about using pre-existing REST services.

