Hello Iso,
we have encountered a difficulty showing a context menu for group summaries.
In short, when either rowContextClickHandler or cellContextClickHandler are added to a listGrid they do not fire when a group summary row is 'context'-clicked whereas clicking a regular record (row/cell) fires respective event.
TestCase can be made easily by taking https://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt...tured_category and attaching either contextClickHandler to the grid.
This way you can see that clicking a regular record fires the event but is ignored by the summary record.
Is this intentional?
(SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2017-10-13/Pro Deployment (built 2017-10-13),
Chrome v. 63.0.3239.132)
we have encountered a difficulty showing a context menu for group summaries.
In short, when either rowContextClickHandler or cellContextClickHandler are added to a listGrid they do not fire when a group summary row is 'context'-clicked whereas clicking a regular record (row/cell) fires respective event.
TestCase can be made easily by taking https://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt...tured_category and attaching either contextClickHandler to the grid.
listGrid.addRowContextClickHandler(event -> { listGrid.getField(event.getColNum()).setTitle("Clickyclick"); listGrid.refreshFields(); }); listGrid.addCellContextClickHandler(event -> { listGrid.getField(event.getColNum()).setTitle("Clickyclick2"); listGrid.refreshFields(); });
Is this intentional?
(SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2017-10-13/Pro Deployment (built 2017-10-13),
Chrome v. 63.0.3239.132)