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    Export to Excel from Multiple ListGrids

    I have a SectionStack with multiple sections. Each section contains a ListGrid. Each section provides a button for exporting the grid's data. If I click on each export button, each export runs and a series of dialogs builds up waiting for the user to decide to open or save the export. I added an "export all" button. This executes a series of exportData methods (one for each ListGrid). The result is that one export completes and the others are not run (no request is sent). How can I code an export all method so that a series of exportData calls can be made (as when clicking on each separate export button)?

    Using SmartGWT Pro 3.0p and GWT 2.4 on IE 9 (also seems to behave the same on Firefox 17.0.1)
    Console: SmartClient Version: SC_SNAPSHOT-2012-01-05_v8.2p/Pro Deployment (built 2012-01-05)

    We would guess that this is a browser-level issue with being moved from URL to URL too quickly. Try using DeferredCommand/Scheduler to insert a brief delay (shouldn't matter how long) between each export.


      The use of Scheduler has worked. I used a Repeating Command with a 500 millisecond delay and the multiple exports now can be downloaded. Another issue was apparently the use of closed sections within the stack. The closed sections would return an error when attempting an export. When I changed all of the sections to start open, then the export all function worked.

